Tips to Help Keep Your Resolution in 2020

Tips to Help Keep Your Resolution in 2020.jpg

The new year is here! While the start of a new year is a great time to think about how you would like to make this year better, few people actually keep their newfound goals for more than a few weeks. Here are 4 helpful tips to ensure that you not only keep your New Year's resolution, but that you make 2020 your best year yet!

Keep it Realistic

The quickest way to burn out on a resolution before January ends is by setting a goal that is unattainable. Bad habits aren't established overnight and neither are good ones, so be realistic about what you can and will accomplish. If you've never stepped foot in a gym, it might not be prudent to promise that you are going to work out 6 days a week. As long as you are working hard and moving forward, you are on the road to success.

Make Sure it is Measurable

Vague goals will never be reached. Rather than saying, "I am going to get healthy this year," try choosing something concrete to do that you can measure. For example, say "I am going to workout twice a week or "I'm going to drink water instead of soda at dinner."

Hold Yourself Accountable

Finding a friend who can work on your resolution with you is an effective way to make sure you stay on track. Whether you are hoping to eat healthier, lose weight, or try something new, a partner can share the joys and struggles with you along the way.

Have Fun

New Year's resolutions shouldn't be a burden; they should be enjoyable! Thinking of creative ways to stick to your goals will guarantee that you stick with them all year long.

If you are hoping to get fit, stay healthy, and have fun this year, Valeo Dance Fitness Studio is here to help you stay on track. With a variety of dance classes available for everyone from beginners to expert dancers, it's the perfect place to get your heart rate up and try something new with a friend this year. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you make 2020 the year you keep your resolution!