Resistance Training: Why It Works


Resistance training has been around for over a century and continues to be a great way to build muscle, be healthy, and get fit. People everywhere put in the hard work needed to see results, but many do not know why it is working or how! 

A Quick Science Lesson 

When your body undergoes any form of resistance training, it sees it as a threat to its homeostasis, or balance. The human body is amazingly adept at staying as balanced as possible and will do what it must to keep up. For example, when someone lifts a weight, there are micro-tears throughout the body. The body then repairs the area, but instead of putting back what was there, it strengthens it as well. It is the same with dancing. The muscles of the legs strengthen and get rebuilt stronger, so the next session is potentially not as stressful. Dancing also will improve cardiovascular health as it strengthens the heart and lungs. Strengthening of the heart is an excellent benefit of exercise as it improves circulation and overall health. 

Another lesser-known benefit of resistance training is the release of "feel good" hormones. When someone is working out hard, the body only knows it as a threat. In turn, it releases hormones like dopamine and adrenaline to strengthen you. This is why exercise can be so addicting and make someone experiencing a bad day have a positive attitude flip. This is also the reason why runners get what is known as "the runners high." While addictive hormones may sound bad, they pose no threat, and there is no harm from their release during exercise. 

Signature Classes At Valeo

Resistance training is a signature part of our ValeoFit 1000 class. Dancing is a fantastic and fun way to get into shape and is easily learnable from one of our classes. You can learn about the studio and what we offer here, and if you have any more questions, feel free to contact us